Let me tell you a story about how your life can change.
6 years ago, my life changed.
I had been “working out” for a couple of years prior. Or so I thought. Really, it was more about not letting the free gym membership I had won at a Chamber of Commerce golf tournament go to waste.
I would show up and putter around. Lifting some dumbbells. Pretend I knew what I was doing in the squat rack. “Running” on the treadmill while I read books to pass the time.
Needless to say, I didn’t make much progress.
I was dragged into our former gym – 180 Kettlebells in Centerville. My wife had been to their 7 Day Quick Start. She was loving it and said I had to come. She nearly dragged me in by the collar.
I remember showing up that first Saturday for our orientation. What the hell are those cannonballs with the handles!?! They sure look dangerous. We ran thru a workout that was tougher than usual for me. Then again, the bar was set pretty low. At the end of the session, there was the scale. And the tape measure. And a camera. At the time I thought it was all for show.
I woke up the next day, a Sunday. I was sore. Little did I know what was in store.
Monday was the real day.
A real workout. We walk in and meet Matt the Trainer. Another life-changing moment with one of a handful of life-changing people (Jodi, Todd, Brad & Kelsey. Especially Kelsey). Matt was a wrestler in his high-school days. They’ve always been a quarter beat off. He was no different. I remember his moppy head of curly hair. Then Matt barks out…”Bear crawls. Down and back. 6 times!”
You know that video where the gorilla sprints thru the jungle on all fours? That was trainer Matt in a gorilla suit. He made it down and back on all fours faster than I could probably sprint on two legs.
And we were to do that 6 times! For the WARMUP!
I was in trouble. Or so I thought.
The next two weeks were hell. I woke up sore every day. But I pushed on. 3 days a week for those first two weeks. And finally the soreness subsided. And the workouts continued.
And I changed.
As the summer progressed, I started to notice a couple of things. First, I felt like I might need some new jeans. I thought they were getting too stretched out from being so old. Turns out, the body inside of those jeans was shrinking.
I had also started to weigh myself. Every day. And the numbers started falling. 8 months later, I was down 30 lbs!
And Kim noticed a drastic change at night. As the summer went on, my previously obnoxious snoring eventually gave way to peaceful sleep for both of us. Did the workouts do that?!?
Most of all, I started to realize how good I felt. I felt stronger than I have ever felt before. And there was more energy than I could’ve imagined. Before: Ride a bike to work (7 miles)? No way! After: A casual 25 mile bike ride after working out? No problem.
Even my mind changed. Before, I was moody and would fly off the handle so easily if things weren’t going just right. Now, there is a certain peace. And I love how I feel on Saturdays after working out. It’s like being on Cloud 9 all day!
My life will never be the same.
I want your life to change like mine did.
After all, there’s nothing quite like seeing that look on the face of somebody you haven’t seen in a year. That moment when they say…