The alarm goes off at 5:30… On a Saturday morning no less. Some might think… “Uggghh! Do I HAVE to get up and get to the gym?”
Not me.
For me, 5:30 AM is a PRIVILEGE. I am honored to make my way into the gym early on a Saturday morning.
I walk in. It’s dark. And it’s quiet. Flip the lights on. Turn on some music. The gym is coming alive. The workout is posted on the board. And, soon enough, The Tribe is showing up.
People might think that I enjoy beating the crap out of the Tribe members. Not so. Instead, I like watching people reach. Reach for something that they normally wouldn’t touch.
One of my favorite parts is when someone decides on their own that it’s time to grab that heavier kettlebell. They have figured out they can reach even a little deeper. Go a little farther. Make their life later on just a little bit better.
That’s what it’s all about.
When it’s over, everyone lingers. A community is reinforced. Secretly and silently they were pushing each other. In reality, they are there for each other. Everyone worked hard. Together. Whether they knew it or not they were in it together. And now it’s over.
There are smiles. Happiness knowing they have survived another tough session. Knowing they will be better going forward into the day ahead… and the week ahead.
I don’t HAVE to get up on a Saturday morning and go to the gym. I GET to get up and go to the gym.
I wouldn’t trade my Saturday mornings for anything.