It’s the end of the workout. We were finishing with a 10 minute EMOM. A Burpee Ladder.
In case you are not familiar… EMOM means Every Minute On the Minute. First minute, one burpee. Second minute, two burpees. All the way up to the 10th minute with 10 burpees.
If you’ve done burpees before, then 10 burpees in a minute doesn’t sound all that bad.
That is until you get to rounds 6 and beyond. The burpees add up and the rest between rounds shrinks dramatically. To put it nicely, it’s a challenge.
But isn’t that the point?!?
Just to show a little empathy, I was doing the burpees right along with them. After the third minute, Patty laughed at how ridiculously fast I got them done. I explained to Patty that since I started doing kettlebells, I have done THOUSANDS of burpees.
She laughed. She reminded me that she hadn’t done a burpee before setting foot in the gym 8 months ago.
I let her know that I too had never done a burpee when I walked into the gym 7 years ago.
As we continued, the exertion on her face is easy to see. At the end of the 9th round, the clock shows 10 seconds to recover for the final round of 10 burpees. Patty waves the flag.
After we finished, Patty lamented that she did ONLY 9 rounds of burpees. She was a bit ticked at herself for not getting in that 10th round.
I stopped her in her tracks.
Yes. She missed the last 10 burpees. However, that’s not the real story. The real story is she FINISHED 45 burpees in 10 minutes!
How many other people does she know that could kick out 45 burpees in 10 minutes right now?
How many people does she know who would give up well before the 9th round?
How many people wouldn’t even show up for the burpees?
Patty did. And she KILLED IT!
45 burpess in 10 minutes.
Patty is a ROCK STAR!